
The Sagittarius Man & Women

Aries woman March 21 – April 19

Both the Sagittarius man and Aries woman enjoy life to the fullest, so a relationship between the two should be fun and exciting. Each partner will totally understand the other's needs and desires. The only problem might be that these two will be so caught up in each other, they'll risk ignoring friends.

Taurus woman April 20 – May 20

The Taurus woman may be too much of a homebody for the Sagittarius man, who prefers a busy social life. The Archer's flirtatious nature will not set well with the security-loving Bull. She'll need to go against her nature to avoid feeling threatened or insecure with his outgoing personality.

Gemini woman May 21 – June 21

The Sagittarius man will find the Gemini woman captivating. They'll enjoy many activities together, but since neither is very demonstrative, this match might not have much passion if they don't make an effort to stoke those flames.

Cancer woman June 22 – July 22

Sagittarius craves adventure, travel and meeting new people, while the Cancer woman may rather be at home with her family. Because of the Crab's deep need for stability and security, the Archer may feel trapped. Cancer woman may need to work on not being so clingy if this relationship is to stand the test of time.

Leo woman July 23 – August 22

With some work, the Leo woman can build a future with the Sagittarius man. Both signs are passionate, so there'll be no lack of romance. Problems will arise when Sagittarius pays too much attention and energy on others, which could end up hurting the prideful Lion.

Virgo woman August 23 – September 22

Careful and pragmatic, the Virgo woman may see Sagittarius as careless and irresponsible. The Archer will find her too sensible and boring, and he may never be able to give her the emotional security she craves. If paired together, these two will have their work cut out for them.

Libra woman September 23 – October 22

Both the Libra woman and Sagittarius man are free spirits who will understand this need in each other. This pair will have a lot of fun attending parties and other social functions together, and their lives will never be boring.

Scorpio woman October 23 – November 21

The Scorpio woman is passionate about everything, while Sagittarius is rarely passionate about anything. The Scorpion won't easily relate to the Archer's casual attitude about life and love. This may make it hard for her to believe he is truly devoted to her until she is able to interpret his nature.

Sagittarius woman November 22 – December 21

A relationship between a Sagittarius woman and Sagittarius man could thrive in the sense that both will view life as one exciting adventure. Unfortunately, neither will want to face mundane chores and decisions that everyday living requires, which could be a challenge.

Capricorn woman December 22 – January 19

The Capricorn woman is all about responsibility and taking care of business, while the Sagittarius man prefers to have fun. Capricorn also needs to know her lover is truly committed to the relationship, and likely will have trouble with Sagittarius' flirtatious, flamboyant ways.

Aquarius woman January 20 – February 18

Both the Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman need to retain their individuality in a relationship. This should not be a problem with this match. Both signs enjoy meeting new people and discovering new horizons, and the pair will share many great conversations together.

Pisces woman February 19 – March 20

The Pisces woman is very sensitive, so the Archer's blunt honesty may hurt her feelings. The Fish needs security in a relationship, and Sagittarius may feel smothered by her need for constant reassurance. If these two are to make it for the long haul, he'll need to reign in his casual flirtations, and she'll need to be more understanding about his need to socialize.

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