
The Sagittarius Babies

Get the stroller primed and ready. Baby Sagittarius is the zodiac’s traveler and will be ready to explore the world from day one.  These smiley little clowns will delight in discovering new things. Keep your valuables out of reach and out of sight, or Sag will soon be chewing on them. Independent and outgoing, this social sign thrives when surrounded by kids their age. Smothering them with affection or watching their every move will cause them to pull away from you. Give them their space, but check in on them regularly. If you set them up in the sandbox or with sports equipment they’ll happily play for hours with their peers. They also love to learn, so give them plenty of books and educational toys. Don’t be surprised if your Sag talks early and uses big words that make your jaw drop.


* As the zodiac’s wild child, they like to be outside, playing in the dirt. Forget about the fussy outfits. Stick to wash-and-wear only. Send them to overnight camp as early as you can.

* These free spirits hate being confined by rules. They’ll prefer freeform play, but will benefit from learning the proper directions of a game and mastering them.

* These animal lovers adore pets and stuffed animals, especially dogs and horses. Take them to a petting zoo and give books with animated animal characters.

* Open-minded, they’ll get along with all types of kids and love learning the traditions of friends from different cultures.

Parenting Tips:

* Never, ever lie to them. Sagittarius is the sign of the truth-teller and will instantly lose trust and respect for you if you try to pull a fast one on them.

* Let them know the rules and limits up front. This sign wants more, more, more and needs to learn how to take no for an answer sometimes.

* Be consistent and keep the rules written down so that you can see them yourself. Sag babies are tricksters and may convince you that you promised them something that you never actually did.

* Invite them to offer solutions to problems that come up. These little pleasers love to give advice be acknowledged for their wisdom and are likely to come up with creative and brilliant solutions.

* Don’t expect them to sit still for too long or confine them in any way. This restless, impatient sign needs a constant change of scenery, even if that means having a computer with lots of different games on it. As infants, they may scream in them middle of the night to be let out of their cribs. Ultimately, they may need to cry themselves to sleep in order to break this demanding cycle.

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فيديو بعنوان : الفار السخيف