
The Cancer Man & Women

Aries Woman March 21 – April 19

The Aries woman and Cancer man have opposite personalities, and in this case that's not a good thing. The Ram is sporadic and spontaneous, while the Crab is thoughtful and prefers to take his time. Aries is outgoing and adventurous and would feel that Cancer is far too controlling and clinging. Another problem is the ram's temper, it's just too much for gentle Cancer.

Taurus Woman April 20 – May 20

The Taurus woman and the Crab make a great match. Both signs are warm, loving, and loyal, and the Bull will supply the emotional and financial security that Cancer needs. The Crab and the Bull will work together as a team to achieve like-minded goals and have an excellent chance of creating a comfortable home and a loving family.

Gemini Woman May 21 – June 21

The Gemini woman is far too logical for emotional Cancer, and the Twin's independent nature would threaten the Crab's need for stability. The Twins are like quicksilver – flighty and unpredictable, and this is often just too much for the Crab to take in. Also, Gemini is often somewhat of a flirt, and Cancer would have a hard time dealing with this.

Cancer Woman June 22 – July 22

A Cancerian woman living in the same household with male Crab will usually be either blissful or terrible. They'll understand each other's emotional needs, and together they'll make a warm and loving home. Problems arise when both partners are in one of their inherent moody stages at the same time, since neither will be willing or to cheer the other up.

Leo Woman July 23 – August 22

The differences in Cancer and the Leo woman often work in their favor. The Crab loves showering his mate with praise and attention, and the Lion gobbles these up hungrily. The Cancerian man has no problem allowing his leonine partner all the time in the proverbial spotlight.

Virgo Woman August 23 – September 22

This union is difficult but not impossible. A Virgo woman is much too practical to ever understand Cancer's emotional approach to everything. The constant criticism from the Virgin will hurt the Crab's tender feelings. On the positive side, both signs love their "creature comforts" and have a strong work ethic.

Libra Woman September 23 – October 22

This usually is not a good match. The Libra woman is often a "party girl," while Cancer would much rather spend time at home. The Crab is a penny-pincher, too, while the Scales lady often has extravagant tastes. Libra loves positive energy, so she would have a real problem when the Crab was being, well, Crabby.

Scorpio Woman October 23 – November 21

This is often a match made in Heaven! Although the Scorpio woman and Cancer man have very different personalities, they complement each other well. The jealous nature of the Scorpion would be soothed by the Crab's total devotion, and both would seek to establish a harmonious family and home.

Sagittarius Woman November 22 – December 21

The Archer and the Crab are seldom compatible. A Sagittarius woman is a reckless daredevil who thrives on adventure, while Cancer is a careful, cautious homebody. Also, many Archers are incredibly blunt, which will hurt the Crab's feelings. Sagittarius will likely feel suffocated by Cancer's emotional needs, and there will be lots of arguments over the archer's spending habits.

Capricorn Woman December 22 – January 19

This is an "iffy" relationship, at best. While Cancer will love the security and stability that the Capricorn woman will provide, the Crab will hate Capricorn's seeming lack of emotion. The Goat will often think that the Crab isn't ambitious enough for her. Practical Capricorn will also have a hard time with Cancer's mood swings.

Aquarius Woman January 20 – February 18

This is not a good match. Cancer is much too clingy for the aloof Aquarius woman, and the two share few of the same life goals. While the Crab is ruled by emotion, the Water-bearer is ruled by intellect. The Water-bearer's need for adventure often frightens the cautious Crab, while she finds the Cancerian man dull and boring.

Pisces Woman February 19 – March 20

This match is usually very good for both partners. Both signs are emotional and compassionate, so they'll understand each other and there should be few clashes. The Pisces woman is generally upbeat, so The Fish will provide positive juxtaposition to Cancer's moodiness and will often be able to predict her partner's mood swings with amazing accuracy.

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