
The Cancer Babies

Can you say ma-ma? Cancer is the sign associated with mother-child relationships, so these babies are strongly affected by “maternal energy.” This could also be interpreted as a need for nurturing. No matter whom their primary caretaker is, these kids will likely be attached to them at the hip. Ruled by the ever-fluctuating moon, these kids can be moody and may cry a lot as infants. Since Cancer rules the chest area, weaning them from the breast-feeding days can be challenging. These sensitive kids are “emotional eaters” and like to put things in their mouths when they’re feeling anxious or in unfamiliar terrain. They may be soothed with a bottle or snack. If you don’t want to be on constant diaper duty, try giving them a security blanket like a doll or teddy bear that they can hug. Family-oriented, they may feel shy around new people. Be prepared: these kids may cry and scream if someone they aren’t familiar with (like a family friend or babysitter) tries to pick them up.  In school or public, they are well mannered and enjoy dressing fashionably, even as toddlers!


* Cancer is the “mother sign,” and these kids love having dolls or stuffed animals to take care of. They do well with pets too, but make sure you pick a breed that loves to snuggle with kids.

* Eating is a favorite pastime for Cancer. They’ll love helping in the kitchen, so any chore like setting the table, washing dishes or preparing food can easily be turned into a game for them.

* Thoughtful and artistic, Cancer babes will love drawing, painting and making collages. Picture books are ideal for helping them learn to read.

* Let them decorate their rooms. Having a comfy, cozy “crab shell” is important to Cancer’s sense of security. You may discover a budding interior designer in your little one!

* Give them alone time. This sign needs to retreat and lounge in order to stay centered. If Cancer is not in the mood to play with other kids, don’t force the issue.

Parenting Tips:

* A calm and stable home life is essential to this sign’s emotional well being. Domestic disputes affect them on a primal level. Avoid arguing or raising your voice in front of them at all costs. They may blame themselves and act out by taking on a maternal/paternal role, thus missing out on their own childhoods.

* Don’t force them to be friendly with people until they’ve had time to warm up. Cancers are naturally shy or reticent around strangers. Socialize them with other kids as early as possible so they don’t develop a loner complex. Once they get their bearings, they often become leaders among their peers.

* Monitor their bossy streak. With other children, Cancer can take on an exaggerated (stereotypical) “mother” role. This is often a defense mechanism they use to combat shyness. Nonetheless, encourage them to be team players and compromise with other kids so you don’t wind up with a baby bully on your hands.

* Don’t assume they don’t need anything just because they are being quiet. Cancers have a “good kid” complex and may not speak up for their needs. As a result, they can hold in resentment which may rear its ugly head in teen years. Check in with them regularly by having one-on-one conversations. Privacy is important to them and they won’t spill their guts in front of a crowd of people.

جديد في موقع الابراج 'فيديوها ممتعة'
فيديو بعنوان : خدعة سحريه رائعة بألعاب الأطفال