
The Gemini Woman & Men

Aries Man March 21 – April 19

The Ram can be a good match for the Twins, since both can be impulsive, spontaneous and fun. Aries, a fire sign, loves to be the romantic "knight in shining armor," while Gemini, being mutable and flexible, likes the pursuit. Lastingness would come from being grounded and practical, more likely coming from Aries.

Taurus Man April 20 – May 20

Unless there are other markers, Taurus is usually not the best choice for Gemini. The focused, steadfast Bull is usually in Gemini's eyes too simple, rigid, or boring. They are not open enough to entertain and discuss new ideas.

Gemini Man May 21 – June 21

Gemini with Gemini: It would be like four people in the room, lots of talking here! Be careful you don't put each other in a coma! You may find much in common. However, both of you need some grounding energy, and neither usually has it. Both of you contribute spontaneity and lively discussion more than stability.

Cancer Man June 22 – July 22

As illogical as it seems, Cancer and the Twins can be one of the better matches. The watery Crab can be sensitive to subtle shifts in the environment, and changes as much as airy Gemini does. Neither will find the other boring. Cancer also provides security. If both enjoy art or scholarly pursuits, this could work very well.

Leo Man July 23 – August 22

The take-charge fiery Leo man is often a great match for Gemini. Both are usually at the height of fashion and take chances, so this couple is often in the limelight and look amazing together. The Lion, being the more fixed sign, brings the stability Gemini needs, while Gemini brings interesting conversation and ideas to Leo.

Virgo Man August 23 – September 22

Intellectually, this match can be stimulating at first. Both of you are ruled by Mercury, and while airy Gemini can see the common ground in seemingly unrelated things, the discerning earthy Virgo man notices the differences instead. However, when this translates to every day Virgo can seem preachy or nitpicky. This is not Gemini's style.

Libra Man September 23 – October 22

This couple looks really good together. The airy Libra man and Gemini both like beauty, even if Gemini takes some liberty with definitions. Since Libra likes harmony, Gemini can express herself while being interesting to Libra. Both have amazing taste and like the same activities. With markers of stability evident, this is a good pairing.

Scorpio Man October 23 – November 21

The attraction here is magnetic and intense. Both the watery, closely guarded Scorpio man and the airy Twins have attraction to the shadow. Gemini is merely curious, while the Scorpion feels impelled to explore. Both can explore these territories together, even with different motivations. However, if Scorpio is not willing to trust and communicate with Gemini, she will eventually leave.

Sagittarius Man November 22 – December 21

The fiery Sagittarius man is airy Gemini's opposite sign, and opposites do attract. Both are lifelong seekers and love to learn and teach. Both will love to explore and travel as well, but sometimes Gemini needs to withdraw before opening up again. The Archer may not understand this need. This pairing could work if Sagittarius allows Gemini some downtime and if markers of stability are present.

Capricorn Man December 22 – January 19

Gemini may be initially attracted to the earthy Goat's status and knowledge about career and workplace. Unless markers show differently, a Capricorn man may not be dynamic enough to keep Gemini's interest. The Goat focuses, while Gemini likes variety. If this progresses further, both partners often feel as if they had compromised, with the Gemini feeling unfulfilled and the Capricorn feeling too many demands.

Aquarius Man January 20 – February 18

The Aquarius man could work well with Gemini. Both are social, enjoy witty communication, and need freedom in their lives to learn. The Water-bearer usually provides the grounding for the relationship. The lasting factor here will be if Gemini is flexible and agrees with futuristic and yet unyielding ideas of this air sign.

Pisces Man February 19 – March 20

While airy Gemini can feel pulled mentally by a crowd, the watery Fish will feel pulled emotionally. There can be much love and understanding between a Gemini woman and a Pisces man. If both are willing to sail the winds and swim the depths, this can work. If stability markers are present, this could be a romantic pairing. If not, it could be too much to handle.

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