
The Gemini Woman

A Gemini woman is two, or more, women rolled into one. Some might argue this is far too much woman altogether, but Geminis are simply who they are, making no apologies for it. The timid, the weak and the timorous need not apply.  Impossible to pigeon hole, she is a will-o-wisp, a changeling, a mix of intriguing personalities. One minute demure and doting, the next ruthlessly sarcastic, Gemini can turn from Madame Jekyll, dotting her I's and crossing her T's with impeccable manners, to Ms Hyde, wild and unpredictable, but no less fascinating.  

A Gemini woman is extremely clever and has the ability to discuss every subject under the sun - politics, religion, travel - then just as easily switch to talking about the latest celebrity faux pas.  She is incessantly curious, prodding and poking at every angle and idea, her agile mind flitting from one thought to the other faster than lightning. She is witty, quick with one-liners, and will remember the tiniest, most obscure trivia. She loves to talk, but as a means to discuss, to gather ideas and information, not simply to fill empty spaces of silence. 

How do you describe a Gemini woman, enough to do her justice? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? Ruled by Mercury, she is an intellectual, her mind is first class, her views original and extraordinary. Easily bored, Gemini women need constant change, movement, and communication to feel challenged and entertained. Geminis are renowned for their charm, and use it to great effect. 

This combination of high intelligence, eloquence, wit and charm serves the Gemini woman well. She is often a writer, musician, playwright or politician. Famous Gemini women include Angelina Jolie, Anne Frank, Helena Bonham Carter, Joan Collins, and Kirsten Scott Thomas.

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