
The Aquarius Man & Women

Aries woman March 21 – April 19

Both the Aries woman and Aquarius man will understand one another's need for freedom, and respect the other's intelligence. Life for this pair will never be boring, but they may need to work a bit on staying grounded.

Taurus woman April 20 – May 20

The Taurus woman craves security and tradition, and she won't likely find this with an Aquarius man. Both signs are very opinionated, so arguments may be numerous. On the other hand, the Water-bearer can add some excitement to Taurus' life and the Bull can bring some order to the Water Bearer's.

Gemini woman May 21 – June 21

The Gemini woman and Aquarius man are very similar in personality. They share many of the same views. Each should fully understand the other's need for adventure and respect one another's cognitive powers. Since they also are both so free-spirited, commitment could be an issue for both.

Cancer woman June 22 – July 22

The Cancer woman may find Aquarius shallow and emotionally aloof, while the Water-bearer likely will hate the clingy nature of the Crab. These two will both need to move out of their comfort zones to make a true love connection.

Leo woman July 23 – August 22

Both the Leo woman and Aquarius man love life and together they'll have a busy social calendar. Unfortunately, the Lion is much more passionate about almost everything and will often consider Aquarius much too lukewarm. This will be a problem if they don't learn to appreciate what makes one another tick.

Virgo woman August 23 – September 22

The Virgo woman is far too practical for the Aquarius man. Virgo will often see the Water-bearer as rash, unpredictable and illogical. And since neither sign is particularly affectionate or emotional, it will take some work on both parts to keep the spark alive.

Libra woman September 23 – October 22

Both the Libra woman and Aquarius man are creative and intellectual, with strong social skills. A Libra woman might not get all the individual attention she craves from her Aquarius lover. But with time and her immense charm, she's likely to completely win him over.

Scorpio woman October 23 – November 21

Aquarius may never provide the Scorpio woman with the security she thrives on, and she may see him as emotionally cold. But a Scorpion and a Water-bearer will often enjoy each other's company as friends. To take their relationship to the next level she may need to readjust her expectations a bit.

Sagittarius woman November 22 – December 21

Both the Sagittarius woman and Aquarius man are adventurous, daring and fun-loving. Since each sign is also very independent, they'll understand that need in a partner and will give each other plenty of space – just so long as they are careful not to give too much space.

Capricorn woman December 22 – January 19

The Capricorn woman is often much too practical for free-wheeling Aquarius, and the Water Bearer's flirtatious manner won't go over well with security-seeking Capricorn. There's also a good chance that Aquarius will find Capricorn mundane and boring. Suffice to say, it will take some work for these opposites to attract.

Aquarius woman January 20 – February 18

The Aquarius woman and Aquarius man? Two Water-bearers can enjoy an exciting relationship together, filled with fun, adventure and great conversation. Neither partner will be too jealous or restrictive, so each will be allowed the freedom he or she needs. Of course, they also share similar weaknesses and won't be able to rely on one another to make up for their shortcomings.

Pisces woman February 19 – March 20

The Pisces woman and Aquarius man may seem too different to be compatible. Aquarius is ruled by intellect, while Pisces is ruled by emotion. Also, the Water-bearer's innate need for freedom can make emotionally-dependent Pisces feel insecure. If they can get beyond their differences they could become the most interesting couple in their social circle.

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