
The Aquarius Man

Let's get one thing straight from the start. The Aquarius man is no one's water boy, and it would be a mistake to assume so. A liberal and an independent, this man is intent on making the world a better place, for all of mankind. This grandiose approach may seem a little overwhelming when you first meet the man, but he really is a genius when it comes to thoughts and new ideas.

The Aquarius man is also inventive and original, churning out amazing and creative solutions, all meant to change the world or at least his little corner of it. Intellectual, humanitarian, and visionary, a typical Aquarian man is usually a little offbeat, with a touch of the mad scientist about him. If you're prepared for his eccentric little habits, they'll grow on you, and soon you will find yourself helping out with his social experiments.

You can't fence in an Aquarius man – he values his liberty above all else. Give him freedom or give him death! For example, he is an Aquarius who loves travel, his preference will be treks to unusual, exotic, and out-of-the-way destinations, not the humdrum European grand tours or cruise ship vacations that everyone else seems to like so much. He is a trailblazer in every sense of the word, not a follower. Not all Aquarians love travel, however, but his conversational itinerary is unusual and creative. He is so well-versed in the ways of the world that you'd think he had been around.

Nothing about this man is conformist, from his wardrobe to his career choices to his lifestyle. Sometimes obstinate and stubborn, the Water Bearer is a fixed sign, and the Aquarius man will see through anything he starts to its bitter end.

Popular and gregarious, some Aquarius men seem to know everyone. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone understands him. His feelings are often hidden and his reactions complex. The prodding questions and indecipherable actions are just part of a game of discovery to find out what his friends really think or feel about people and places. Play along, and take his antics with a grain of salt. His findings will be interesting, however. Some Aquarians are more retiring, but they are usually quite intriguing and likeable in a distant kind of way. Some well-known Aquarius men are Bob Marley, John Travolta, James Dean, and Phil Collins.              

جديد في موقع الابراج 'فيديوها ممتعة'
فيديو بعنوان : فرحة الأطفال لا توصف بسحر البالونات والدخان