
The Virgo Babies

Virgo babies are particular: they know what they like and will definitely let you know what they DON’T like, especially when it comes to food. Since this sign rules the digestive system, your Virgo may need a special diet or be a bit of a finicky eater. Creatures of habit, these babies do best with a set routine and schedule. No need to OD on the loud mobiles and pictures of bunnies and duckies on the wall. Virgos are neat freaks and will prefer simple surroundings without a lot of distractions. Play soft soothing music and decorate in whites. Ruled by communication planet Mercury, many Virgos read or speak early. Give them lots of books and puzzles to play with. While they may look innocent, they may develop a mischievous streak as they get bigger. Distract them with crafts and model kits. Working with their hands can absorb them for hours.


* Virgo is the sign of the helper and they love to feel useful by lending a hand. Create games out of their chores. If anyone could turn dishwashing into an imaginary activity, it’s this kid.

* Mercury-ruled Virgos are chatty, and need lots of friends to bounce ideas off of. Since they’re more verbal than most, they may want to hang out with the grownups or an older group of kids.

-With a younger bunch, they may be bossy, critical, or even tattletales, which could cause friction with siblings and peers. Guide them gently in their early socializing so they develop a kinder, gentler approach with kids their own age.

* Give them lots of hands-on activities like crafts or building blocks. With their active minds, they’ll also enjoy puzzles and books.

Parenting Tips:                    

* Don’t get on the soapbox about kids watching too much TV. Virgos learn best from observing and can benefit from educational DVDs and computer games.

* Cool it with the criticism, even the constructive type. Virgo is the sign of the perfectionist and these kids can be quite hard on themselves. Let them know it’s okay to make mistakes, so they don’t wind up hiding their troubles from you or developing self-destructive behaviors.

* Find a pre-school that takes early enrollment. Your Virgo will have an active mind and may be ready to learn at a younger age than the average kid.

* Spell out the rules in black and white. Virgos are clever and know how to confuse parents with long-winded stories or excuses. Writing the ground rules out on a piece of paper and post them for all to see can put an end to young Virgo’s protests.

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