
The Taurus Woman

Have you been in any china shops lately? Witnessed the smashing of plates, the tossing of horns? It would be a mistake to be seduced into complacency by a Taurean woman's docile, big brown eyes and long lovely lashes. This sign can attack, but only if provoked by one too many a red flag. She has a hot and fiery temper, and will unleash it when pushed to the limits; however Taurus women are generally sweet natured, with a liking for pretty little objects of affection. A personal serenade or some exotic orchids would do the trick nicely. 

Taureans are also persistent, sometimes determinedly so, obstinate in the face of adversity, and stubborn to the point of utter exasperation. This ability to hang on through tough times and bad, as well as her emotional strength, make Taurean women a force to be reckoned with. Some celebrity Taureans rushing headlong into the limelight include Cher, the Empress Catherine II of Russia, and Penelope Cruz.

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