
The Capricorn Woman & Men

Aries Man March 21 – April 19

Although not impossible, this love match is fraught with difficulty. The Ram and the Goat lock horns in this relationship and constant bickering makes it difficult to find harmony. As the ruler of the house of patriarchy, Capricorn is the dominant partner, but the independent Aries has difficulty coming to terms with a subservient role. This pairing can work, thanks to mutual respect and a strong physical attraction, but it requires compromise from both partners. Focus on the bedroom, where the relationship thrives.

Taurus Man April 20 – May 20

In many ways, Taurus the Bull is the perfect match for the Capricorn woman. Both Earth signs, they share the same traditional values and work ethic while managing to hit it off between the sheets. Capricorn and Taurus make a good pair both romantically and professionally. Money is rarely an issue for this coupling, thanks to a shared tendency toward responsible financial planning. But the disciplined Capricorn woman may have to reign in the indulgent Taurus from time to time.

Gemini Man May 21 – June 21

While the Capricorn woman finds free-spirited Gemini amusing at first, this is not a good long-term match. Capricorn women are steadfastly dutiful and responsible, while Gemini is restless and flighty. This unlikely match is usually not worth the effort, but Capricorn can stand to benefit from what fun-loving Gemini has to offer. Sexual attraction with Gemini is intense, and both signs share a tendency toward the experimental. However, if the relationship is going to evolve past a flirty fling, both signs need to be willing to compromise.

Cancer Man June 22 – July 22

This pairing is proof that opposites really do attract. While these signs could not be more different, each provides what the other lacks, creating a successful lifelong match. As the ruler of the house of femininity, Cancer is the true other half to Capricorn's gender role reversal. Conflict can arise when the Crab demands attention and affection, which Capricorn women are not quick to dole out. However, both signs share the same strong family values and their complementary roles make for good parenting. Family life is blissful for this pair if they are able to work to meet each other's conflicting needs.

Leo Man July 23 – August 22

A Goat encounter with a Leo man is likely to be hot and steamy, but a lasting partnership is not in the cards. Although the Lion satisfies the Capricorn's considerable sexual appetite, this pair is incompatible in core values and lifestyle. Leo is the more devoted partner in this relationship and is likely to get hurt when this passionate affair eventually runs its course.

Virgo Man August 23 – September 22

Although not the most passionate pairing, Capricorn and the Virgo man are a natural match that can have real staying power. For this pair, differences serve only to complement one another. Like the Capricorn woman, Virgo is dutiful and family oriented, and a relationship between these compatible signs unfolds easily with few arguments or obstacles. Although Virgo does not share the intensity of the Capricorn's sexual appetite, the comfortable nature of the relationship means that both partners are open to experimentation in the bedroom.

Libra Man September 23 – October 22

This pairing presents many challenges. The Libra man is a social butterfly, while Capricorn prefers the company of family and a few close friends. The lazy Libra does not share earthy Goat's ambitious nature and spends lavishly with no regard for tomorrow. Arguments are likely to be frequent and heated. In order to make this unlikely pairing work, Libra needs to learn to appreciate a less extravagant lifestyle and Capricorn must find other ways to show her affection.

Scorpio Man October 23 – November 21

A pairing with a Scorpio man can work well if both parties learn to communicate openly and honestly. This means that the stoic Capricorn woman needs to get in touch with her feminine side and be willing to show some vulnerability. If this can be accomplished, the rest should be a breeze. The Goat and the Scorpion share similar values and lifestyles, and are sexually compatible. A solid long-term connection could be in the cards here.

Sagittarius Man November 22 – December 21

This is another example of a coupling that flourishes only if each party is willing to work at it. Capricorn and the Sagittarius man have vastly different values and lifestyles that more often conflict than complement. Sagittarius is a born optimist, while Capricorn is a realist who borders on pessimism. The Archer's amusing antics can lighten up the Capricorn woman, but the exchange rarely works in reverse. Instead, Capricorn women can easily drag their Sagittarian partners into the murky waters of their despair.

Capricorn Man December 22 – January 19

Although same-sign matches rarely work well, Capricorn women can find love with a fellow Goat. Because a Capricorn man shares a workaholic tendency and a voracious sexual appetite, both parties' needs are met with little room for conflict. A fellow Capricorn also shares the same financial maturity and desire for long-term life goals.

Aquarius Man January 20 – February 18

Although Capricorn and the Aquarius man are professionally compatible, sparks don't fly in the bedroom. Values, social styles and lifestyle choices are too conflicting to make a match with the Water-bearer worth all the effort. Stop trying to cultivate romance and consider tackling a work project together instead.

Pisces Man February 19 – March 20

While Capricorn and a Pisces man definitely seem the odd couple, these signs can complement one another quite nicely. However, Pisces' free spirit will struggle against Capricorn's more disciplined nature. If this pairing is going to work, Capricorn needs to show the needy Pisces attention and affection. However, the Fish is one of the only signs that can truly keep up with the Capricorn woman in the bedroom, which is reason enough to work at this unlikely matchup.  

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